
Surgical Dentistry

Surgical dentistry is a narrow specialization of maxillofacial surgery. Surgical Dentistry deals with all surgical problems that occur in the mouth or are caused in the mouth.

For our patients we offer the possibility of ordering online.

Price list of surgical dentistry procedures

From 290 Kč. More information is here.

From the point of view of a dental surgeon, surgery is a science, a craft and an art. Unfortunately, from the patient’s point of view, it is associated with painful memories or sleepless nights. It is about fear, pain and long queues near the doctor’s office during the night shifts. However, a lot of people (and dentists are no exception) have one thing in common. Such words as «stoma» or «surgery» make the blood run cold and all the teeth in the mouth can begin to ache at once. Surgical dentistry is an invasive specialization that is likely to occur after all conservative methods of treatment have been tried or eliminated. If surgical care is needed, it is often necessary not only to eliminate inflammatory foci, but also to remove some of the damaged tissue (excision), organ (resection, amputation) or whole organ (ectomy, extraction and enucleation). Every dentist is actually a surgeon to some extent because it disseminates living tissue. If the patient has no time, the stress increases.

And conversely, calmness and understanding works wonderfully on the patient’s psychological condition. If there is no other way than to take the scalpel, then this intervention has to be carried out thoughtfully, decisively, quickly, precisely and painlessly. It is very hard to gain the patient’s trust. It’s a long process and every surgeon has to be a well-qualified anesthesiologist. Luckily, today there are analgesics (painkillers), anesthetics and sedatives (medications that provide local anesthesia or effect a change in awareness).

Forget your fears and trust in our experienced

Most dental interventions are made on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia, when we for a while «freeze» nerve fibers that are responsible for the feeling of pain. The area we anesthetize feels numb and «frozen». We try to eliminate the feeling of pain as much as possible and we want the patient to be comfortable in the process of intervention. Modern technology, pharmacology and medicine offer a wide range of possibilities. This makes it easier for the surgeon to work and for the patient to be treated.

Of course, it is necessary to take proper care of your teeth. You have to brush them regularly, without forgetting to brush space between the teeth. However, parodontitis may cause real problems, which have to be surgically dealt with. There are some cases when even a dental surgeon is unable to help.


For our patients we offer the possibility of ordering online.

Nejmodernější vybavení
Better hours including Saturdays
konzultace zdarma - úspora
The best equipment and the highest level of dentistry
více než 800 úspěšně zavedených implantátů
Only experienced doctors in the team

All about Surgical Dentistry

We use very effective local anesthesia in 100% of cases. The injection may be unpleasant, but the treatment will be painless with the injection.

The most common surgical dental procedures are complicated tooth extractions, a tooth restoration or a dental implant procedure.

It depends on the complexity of the operation. The procedure can last from 15 minutes to 3 hours. However, the typical time to remove a tooth or place an implant is about 30 minutes.

Our branches

Smile Centrum Vysočany

st. Jandova 598/1, 190 00 - Prague 9


Mon 7:30 - 19:00 Tues 7:30 - 17:00 Wed 7:30 - 19:00 Thu 7:30 - 19:00 Fri 8:00 - 16:00 Sat - Sun CLOSED